Level: Five, B1/B2.
Editorial: Oxford Bookworms.
The plot: The book have a 3 parts, each one is a short history of Robotic problem.
Asimov explain that in the world there are a lot of robots, but the robots have 3 basic rules.
1-. One robot never be able to damage one human or don´t help a human if he needs help.
2-. One robot have to obey a human but ever obeying the first rule.
3-. One robot have to protect him but never jump the first and the second rule.
Each history of the book is different of the previous history. The histories are in Chicago in 2033. U.S. Robots is a company which makes the robots, they have a psychologist of the robots. At begin the robots was differents of the humans but a little a little the robots was similar, at the end the robots are 100% humans except the 3 basic rules.
For exemplo: Mi favorite part; One robot is going to be a President of USA.
The people suspicion, but the people can demostrate it. And that people demand to him a Blood test. The robot doesn´t do it. ....
Personal opinion: Maybe this book can be my favorite book. Although the contradictions and the ethical problems are difficult for me except this, the book´s level is correct.
I recommend read it.
Isaac Asimov: The most important thing... Asimov born in Russia but he had a USA nacionality. He wrote a lot of books, the most famous books are: Fundation series, and robot series (I, robot...etc).
So much people thing that he was the best writter of Science fiction ever.